Spinal Decompression

Day in and day out, you rely on your spine to act as a foundation and to pass messages from the brain to the rest of the body. However, your spine will incur damage over time. It’s also possible that you’ll suffer an injury at some point. The good news is that treatments like spinal decompression could provide lasting pain relief and improved mobility. Dr. Ed Balta at the Neck & Back Pain Specialists in Fountain Valley, CA, would be happy to discuss treatment options with you.

A Basic Understanding of the Spine

Have you ever wondered how your spine can be so tough, while also being quite flexible? The spine is made up of small bones, the vertebrae, that protect the nerves that make up the spinal cord. The joints between individual vertebrae allow the spine as a whole to flex.

Cushions in between the vertebrae, which are called “discs” (sometimes spelled disks), provide shock absorption and create enough space between the bones for nerves to the rest of the body to emerge from the spinal cord without being pinched. These discs are made of a gel-like material, but over time they will lose fluid and their cartilaginous exteriors may break down. This is a natural part of aging, although injuries and hereditary factors may encourage the discs to break down more quickly than usual. The discs can also bulge outward, resulting in a herniated disc, which could cause chronic pain.

Loss of volume in the discs also has implications for the nerves. For example, the sciatic nerve, which runs down your leg, emerges from the spine in the lower back. Issues with the spine can put pressure on this nerve, resulting in chronic pain and numbness. 

This brings us back to spinal decompression. This treatment option can be used to slowly and gently stretch out the spine, relieving pressure on the discs, muscles, and nerves. With spinal decompression in Fountain Valley, CA, you may be able to improve mobility and reduce pain while enjoying better overall health.

An Overview of Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression uses specialized equipment, including a specially built table, machinery, and advanced computer software, to gently and slowly stretch out the back. Treatment sessions usually take around twenty minutes, and it’s often recommended that you undergo a few treatments per week for a few weeks.

This treatment option can provide relief for sciatica, herniated discs, pinched nerves, general back pain, and more. It can also help improve mobility. If you’d like to know if you’re a good candidate for spinal decompression,  get in touch with Dr. Balta in Fountain Valley, CA, by calling 714 968 4446.


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